10 reasons why you should use pure unrefined sea salt

10 reasons why you should use pure unrefined sea salt

Salt use has been a controversial health issue. Most allopathic MDs consider it a source of high blood pressure. But researchers from holistic health circles, including some independent MDs, have embraced pure sea salt as vital for good health. The taboo on salt has been challenged.

Taboos Based on Hearsay

Similar taboos within the same established medical circles have existed for saturated fats and cholesterol to avoid clogged arteries. As a result of unproven medical dogma, unhealthy margarine replaced healthy organic butter and toxic trans-fatty processed oils replaced fatty acid rich coconut and palm oils.

Now many health experts have been disabused of the negative press on saturated fats. The salt issue is very similar. The doctor tales go this way: High salt intake leads to high blood pressure resulting in heart attacks or strokes.

There have been epidemiological studies that indicate those on low sodium diets, salt restricting diets, are even more susceptible to cardiovascular issues than heavy salt users. One study surveyed a group with high blood pressure compared to another group with normal blood pressure and found no difference for heart attack risks.

Apparently the unequivocally absolute causal link of salt consumption for high blood pressure to heart attacks is bogus. But the right type of salt should be used for optimum health.

Why Sea Salt

Normal refined commercial table salt is rather toxic and lacks the nutrients contained in unrefined, raw sea salt. The toxicity comes from the refining and bleaching process, which also removes many of sea salt's naturally occurring trace minerals.

Though we all need sodium to live and function efficiently, our bodies have a hard time recognizing it from refined salt. Digestion and metabolism become imbalanced, perpetuating toxicity internally.

Our blood salt content closely resembles sea water salt content. All unrefined salt regardless of its current origin came from the sea originally. Therefore, pure salt can be sourced from ancient caves as well as seaside beds.

Pure unadulterated salt has been consumed by humans for centuries. Over the past few decades, industrially processed salt has taken over our cuisine and has been overly used in packaged and fast foods.

And that is the type of food that sodium sensitive types should restrict, especially since those nutritionally empty foods are also full of toxic ingredients. Commercially processed salt even passes on aluminum, used for processing, to your brain cells.

Ten Health Benefits of Unrefined Sea Salt

1) Salt helps stabilize and regulate heartbeats, thanks to its magnesium and sodium content.
2) Sodium is essential for proper muscular function.
3) Salt helps minimize the effects of stress by maintaining proper melatonin, serotonin, and tryptamine levels in the brain.
4) Salt helps the body hold water sufficiently for proper cell hydration.
5) Salt helps remove cellular acidity, especially in the brain and kidneys. Thus it is an alkalizer.
6) Sea salt boosts your immune system.
7) Since salt is taken into bone matter as part of strengthening bones, it helps prevent osteoporosis.
8) Sea salt provides a buffer for blood sugar levels to help prevent diabetes or to help those who are diabetic use less insulin.
9) Sea salt provides iodine in a natural setting, making it easier for your thyroid to absorb it and to regulate the endocrine system.
10) It tastes better.

Caution:Avoid overdoing a good thing. Sea salt should be balanced with appropriate water consumption. For more information, check out the sources below.

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